Sunday, October 15, 2017

The Reverend and Doctor Are Getting Married: All are Welcome! Save the Date 18 February 2018


Save the Date

The Marriage Ceremony 
of the Reverend Rachel J. Bahr
and Dr. Gabrielle M.W. Bychowski
will occur on 

18 February 2018

at First Congregation Church
in Southington, CT


Love is not something that occurs in isolation but grows out of the light and life in the community. You are a critical part of our life story. That is why we are excited to invite you to our wedding ceremony on 18 February 2018 (easy to remember: it's 2/18 of 2-18) at the First Congregational Church of Southington, CT. The marriage ceremony will be an interfaith service that reflects the spiritual roots of our family, combining the influences of Roman Catholicism and the United Church of Christ. The service will also acknowledge that our families and communities extend beyond the church, including people from many traditions as well as those who find meaning outside of religion. Please feel welcome to attend as we bless our marriage and our diverse communities.

The ceremony is open to everyone. An open reception will follow immediately afterwards in Memorial Hall for members of the church community.

Guests from out of town will receive invitations for a reception later in the evening, although all are welcome to come prior and meet our wonderful church family!


More information can be found
on our wedding website:


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