Bibliography of Transgender Studies

"The category of transgender has come to be understood as a collective category of identity 
that incorporates a diverse array"

David Valentine

Transgender Studies Quarterly

TSQ: Postposttranssexual: Key Concepts for a 21st Century Transgender Studies (June 2014)
by Paisley Currah and Susan Stryker

TSQ: Decolonizing the Transgender Imaginary (Aug 2014)
by Aren Aizura, Salvador Vidal-Ortiz, Marcia Ochoa, Carsten Balzer, and Trystan Cotton

TSQ: Making Transgender Count (April 2015)
by Paisley Currah and Susan Stryker

TSQ: Transanimalities (May 2015)
by Eva Hayward and Jami Weinstein

TSQ: Trans*formational Pegagogy (Aug 2015)
by Z Nicolazzo, Susan B. Marine, and Francisco J. Galarte

TSQ: Archives and Archiving (Nov 2015)
by K. J. Rawson and Aaron Devor

TSQ: Trans/Feminisms (May 2016)
by Talia M. Bettcher and Susan Stryker


Works by M.W. Bychowski

Unconfessing Transgender: Dysphoric Youths and the Medicalization of Madness in John Gower's Tale of 'Iphis and Ianthe' (June 2016)
by M.W. Bychowski

Second Skins (1998)
by Jay Prosser

Introduction: On Transitions -- Changing Bodies, Changing Narratives
Part 1: Bodies

  • 1. Judith Butler: Queer Feminism, Transgender, and the Transubstantiation of Sex
  • 2. A Skin of One's Own: Toward a Theory of Transsexual Embodiment
Part 2: Narratives
  • 3. Mirror Images: Transsexuality and Autobiography
  • 4. "Some Primitive Thing Conceived in a Turbulent Age of Transition": The Invert, The Well of Loneliness, and the Narrative Origins of Transexuality
  • 5. No Place Like Home: Transgender and Trans-Genre in Leslie Feinberg'sStone Butch Blues
  • Epilogue: Transsexuality in Photography -- Fielding the Referent

Last Time I Wore A Dress (1998)
by Dylan ("Daphne") Scholinski

Exile and Pride (1999)
by Eli Clare
Foreword Suzanne Pharrp. vii
  • The Mountain p. 1
Part I Place 
  • Clearcut: Explaining the Distance p. 17
  • Losing Home p. 29
  • Clearcut: Brutes and Bumper Stickers p. 45
  • Clearcut: End of the Line p. 53
  • Casino: An Epilogue p. 61
Part II Bodies 
  • Freaks and Queers p. 67
  • Reading across the Grain p. 103
  • Stones in My Pockets, Stones in My Heart p. 123

Undoing Gender (2004)
by Judith Butler
Introduction : acting in concert
  • Beside oneself : on the limits of sexual autonomy
  • Gender regulations
  • Doing justice to someone : sex reassignment and allegories of transsexuality
  • Undiagnosing gender
  • Is kinship always already heterosexual?
  • Longing for recognition
  • Quandaries of the incest taboo
  • Bodily confessions
  • The end of sexual difference?
  • The question of social transformation
  • Can the "other" of philosophy speak?

How Sex Changed: A History of Transsexuality in the United States (2004)
by Joanne Meyerowitz

In a Queer Time & Place: Transgender Bodies, Subcultural Lives (2005) 
by J. Jack Halberstam

  • 1 Queer Temporality and Postmodern Geographies
  • 2 The Brandon Archive
  • 3 Unlosing Brandon: Brandon Teena, Billy Tipton and Transgender Biography 
  • 4 The Transgender Gaze
  • 5 Technotopias: Visual Culture and Ambiguous Embodiment
  • 6 Oh Behave! Austin Powers and The Drag Kings
  • 7 What's That Smell? Queer Temporalities and Subcultural Lives



Trans/forming Feminisms: Transfeminist Voices Speak Out (2006)
by Krista Scott-Dixon

Transgender Rights (2006)
Paisley Currah, Richard M. Juang, and Shannon Price Minter

Part I. Law

  • 1. Gender Pluralisms under the Transgender Umbrella by Paisley Currah
  • 2. The Ties That (Don't) Bind: Transgender Family Law and the Unmaking of Families by Taylor Flynn
  • 3. The Roads Less Traveled: Why Binary Sex Categories Are Inadequate by Julie A. Greenberg
  • 4. Pursuing Protection for Transgender People through Disability Laws by Jennifer L. Levi and Bennett H. Klein
  • 5. The Evolution of Employment Discrimination Protections for Transgender People  by Kylar W. Broadus
  • 6. Deciding Fate or Protecting a Developing Autonomy? Intersex Children and the Colombian Constitutional Court by Morgan Holmes
  • 7. The Rights of Intersexed Infants and Children: Decision of the Colombian Constitutional Court, Bogot , Colombia, 12 May 1999 (SU-337/99) by Translated by Nohemy Solórzano-Thompson
Part II. History

  • 8. Do Transsexuals Dream of Gay Rights? Getting Real about Transgender Inclusion Shannon Price Minter 
  • 9. Transgender Communities of the United States in the Late Twentieth Century by Dallas Denny
  • 10. Public Health Gains of the Transgender Community in San Francisco: Grassroots Organizing and Community-Based Research by Willy Wilkinson
Part III. Politics

  • 11. Compliance Is Gendered: Struggling for Gender Self-Determination in a Hostile Economy by Dean Spade
  • 12. Transgendering the Politics of Recognition by Richard M. Juang
  • 13. (Trans)Sexual Citizenship in Contemporary Argentina by Mauro Cabral (A. I. Grinspan) and Paula Viturro
  • 14. Undiagnosing Gender by Judith Butler
  • 15. Reinscribing Normality? The Law and Politics of Transgender Marriage by Ruthann Robson
  • Afterword: Are Transgender Rights Inhuman Rights? by Kendall Thomas

The Transgender Studies Reader (2006)
Foreword by Stephen Whittle
(De)Subjugated Knowledges: An Introduction to Transgender Studies by Susan Stryker

  • 1. selections from Psychopathia Sexualis with Special Reference to Contrary Sexual 
  • Instinct by Richard von Kraft-Ebing 
  • 2. selections from The Transvestites: The Erotic Drive to Cross-Dress by Magnus Hirschfeld 
  • 3. Psychopathia Transexualis by David O. Cauldwell 
  • 4. Transsexualism and Transvestism as Psycho-Somatic and Somato-Psychic 
  • Syndromes by Harry Benjamin 
  • 5. Biological Substrates of Sexual Behavior by Robert Stoller 
  • 6. Passing and the Managed Achievement of Sex Status in an ¿Intersexed¿ Person by Harold Garfinkel
  • 7. The Mutability of Gender and the Imperative of Sex by Charles Sheperdson 
  • 8. A Manifesto for Cyborgs: Science, Technology, and Socialist-Feminism in the Late Twentieth Century by Donna Haraway 
  • 9. selections from Mother Camp by Esther Newton
  • 10. Sappho by Surgery: The Transsexually Constructed Lesbian-Feminist by Janice Raymond
  • 11. Divided Sisterhood: A Critical Review of Janice Raymond¿s The Transsexual
  • Empire by Carol Riddell
  • 12. A Transvestite Answers a Feminist by Lou Sullivan
  • 13. Toward a Theory of Gender by Suzanne J. Kessler and Wendy McKenna
  • 14. Doing Justice to Someone: Sex Reassignment and Allegories of Transsexuality by Judith Butler 
  • 15. Where Did We Go Wrong?: Feminism and Trans Theory ¿ Two Teams on the Same Side?by Stephen Whittle
  • 16. Transgender Liberation: A Movement Whose Time Has Come by Leslie Feinberg
  • 17. The Empire Strikes Back: A Posttranssexual Manifesto  by Sandy Stone
  • 18. Gender Terror, Gender Rage by Kate Bornstein
  • 19. My Words to Victor Frankenstein Above the Village of Chamounix: Performing 
  • Transgender Rage by Susan Stryker
  • 20. Judith Butler: Queer Feminism, Transgender, and the Transsubstantiation of Sex by Jay Prosser
  • 21. Are Lesbians Women? by Jacob Hale
  • 22. Hermaphrodites with Attitude: Mapping the Emergence of Intersex Political 
  • Activism by Cheryl Chase
  • 23. Mutilating Gender by Dean Spade
  • 24. Body, Technology, and Gender in Transsexual Autobiography by Bernice Hausman
  • 25. A ¿Fierce and Demanding¿ Drive by Joanne Meyerowitz
  • 26. ONE Inc., and Reed Erickson: The Uneasy Collaboration of Gay and Trans 
  • Activism, 1964-2003 by Aaron Devor and Nicholas Matte
  • 27. ¿I Went to Bed With My Own Kind Once¿: The Erasure of Desire in Name of Identity by David Valentine
  • 28. Bodies in Motion: Lesbian and Transsexual Histories by Nan Alamilla Boyd
  • 29. Manliness by Patrick Califia-Rice
  • 30. selections from Lesbians Talk: Transgender by Zachary I. Nataf
  • 31. Gender Without Genitals: Hedwig¿s Six Inches by Jordy Jones
  • 32. Catamites and Kings: Reflections on Butch, Gender, and Boundaries by Gayle Rubin
  • 33. The Logic of Treatment by Henry Rubin
  • 34. Look! No Don¿t! The Visibility Dilemma for Transsexual Men by Jamison Green
  • 35. Queering the Binaries: Transsituated Identities, Bodies, and Sexualities by Jason Cromwell
  • 36. ¿Spoiled Identity¿: Stephen Gordon¿s Loneliness and the Difficulties of Doing 
  • Queer History by Heather Love
  • 37. Transsexuals in the Military: Flight into Hypermasculinity by George Brown
  • 38. What Does it Cost to Tell the Truth? by Rikki Anne Wilchins 
  • 39. Transmogrification: (Un)Becoming Other(s) by Nikki Sullivan
  • 40. Fin de siècle, Fin du sexe: Transsexualism, Postmodernism, and the Death of 
  • History by Rita Felski
  • 41. Skin-Flick: Posthuman Gender in Jonathan Demme¿s The Silence of the Lambs by Judith Halberstam
  • 42. Genderbashing: Sexuality, Gender, and the Regulation of Public Space by Viviane K. Namaste
  • 43. From the Medical Gaze to Sublime Mutations: Re-viewing Non-standard 
  • Bodies by Ben Singer 
  • 44. From Functionality to Aesthetics: The Architecture of Transgender 
  • Jurisprudence by Andrew Sharpe
  • 45. The Chic of Araby: Transvestism and the Erotics of Cultural Appropriation by Marjorie Garber
  • 46. Transgender Theory and Embodiment: The Risk of Racial Marginalization by Katrina Roen
  • 47. Romancing the Transgender Native: Rethinking the Use of the ¿Third Gender¿ 
  • Concept by Evan B. Towle and Lynn M. Morgan
  • 48. Unsung Heroes: Reading Transgender Subjectivities in Hong Kong Action 
  • Cinema by Helen Hok-Sze Leung
  • 49. Whose Feminism Is It Anyway? The Unspoken Racism of the Trans Inclusion Debate by Emi Koyama 
  • 50. Transgendering the Politics of Recognition

Imagining Transgender: An Ethnography of a Category (2007)
by David Valentine

Introduction Part 1 Imagining Transgender
Part 2 Making Community, Conceiving Identity

  • 1. Imagining Transgender
Introduction to Part II: Reframing Community and Identity
  • 2. Making Community 
  • 3. "I Know What I Am": Gender, Sexuality, and Identity
Part 3 Emerging Fields
Introduction to Part III: The Transexual, the Anthropologist, and the Rabbi

  • 4. The Making of a Field: Anthropology and Transgender Studies 
  • 5. The Logic of Inclusion: Transgender Activism 
  • 6. The Calculus of Pain: Violence, Narrative, and the Self
Conclusion: Making Ethnography

Whipping Girl: A Transsexual Woman on Sexism and the Scapegoating of Femininity (2007)
by Julia Serano

Transgender History (2008)
by Susan Stryker
  • An introduction to transgender terms and concepts
  • A hundred years of transgender history
  • Transgender liberation
  • The difficult decades
  • The current wave.

Assuming a Body: Transgender & Rhetorics of Materiality (2010)
by Gayle Salamon

  • The bodily ego and the contested domain of the material
  • The sexual schema : transposition and transgender in Phenomenology of perception
  • Boys of the lex : transgender and social construction
  • Transfeminism and the future of gender
  • An ethics of transsexual difference : Luce Irigaray and the place of sexual undecidability
  • Sexual indifference and the problem of the limit
  • Withholding the letter : sex as state property.



Sovereign Erotics: A Collection of Two-Spirit Literature (2011)
by Qwo-Li Driskill, Daniel Heath Justice, Deborah Miranda, and Lisa Tatonetti

Transfeminist Perspectives in and beyond Transgender and Gender Studies (2012)
by Anne Enke

Transgender Studies Reader 2 (2013)

I. Transgender Perspectives In (and On) Radical Political Economy
  • 1. Normalized Transgressions: Legitimizing the Transsexual Body as Productive by Dan Irving
  • 2. Retelling Racialized Violence, Remaking White Innocence: The Politics of Interlocking Oppressions in Transgender Day of Remembrance by Sarah Lamble
  • 3. Artful Concealment and Strategic Visibility: Transgender Bodies and U.S. State Surveillance After 9/11 by Toby Beauchamp
  • 4. Tracing This Body: Transsexuality, Pharmaceuticals & Capitalism by Michelle O’Brien
  • 5. Transsexual Necropolitics by Jin Haritaworn and C. Riley Snorton
II. Making Trans-Culture(s): Texts, Performances, Artifacts
  • 6. “The White To Be Angry”: Vaginal Creme Davis’ Terrorist Drag by Jose Esteban Muñoz
  • 7. Felt Matters by Jeanne Vaccaro
  • 8. Groping Theory: Haptic Cinema and Trans-Curiosity in Hans Scheirl’s Dandy Dust by Eliza Steinbock
  • 9. The Transgender Look by J. Halberstam
  • 10. Embracing Transition, or Dancing in the Folds of Time by Julian Carter
III. Transsexing Humanimality
  • 11. Selections from Evolution’s Rainbow: Diversity, Gender, and Sexuality in Nature and People by Joan Roughgarden
  • 12. Animal Transsex by Myra Hird
  • 13. Animals Without Genitals: Race and Transsubstantiation by Mel Chen
  • 14. Lessons from a Starfish by Eva Hayward
  • 15. Interdependent Ecological Transsex: Notes on Re/Production, “Transgender” Fish, and the Management of Populations, Species, and Resources by Bailey Keir
IV. Transfeminisms
  • 16. Feminist Solidarity After Queer Theory: The Case of Transgender by Cressida Heyes
  • 17. Inclusive Pedagogy in the Women’s Studies Classroom: Teaching the Kimberly Nixon Case by Viviane Namaste (with Georgia Sitara)
  • 18. Skirt Chasers: Why the Media Depicts the Trans Revolution in Lipstick and Heels by Julia Serano
  • 19. The Education of Little Cis: Cisgender and the Discipline of Opposing Bodies by A. Finn Enke
  • 20. Our Bodies Are Not Ourselves: Tranny Guys and the Racialized Class Politics of Incoherence by Bobby Noble
V. Cross Talk: Contention and Complexity in Trans-Discourses
  • 21. Body Shame, Body Pride: Lessons From the Disability Rights Movement by Eli Clare
  • 22. The Pharmaco-Pornographic Regime: Sex, Gender, and Subjectivity in the Age of Punk Capitalism by Beatriz Preciado
  • 23. Evil Deceivers and Make-Believers: On Transphobic Violence and the Politics of Illusion by Talia Mae Bettcher
  • 24. “Still At the Back of the Bus”: Sylvia Rivera’s Struggle by Jessi Gan
  • 25. Transgender Subjectivity and the Logic of Sexual Difference by Shanna Carlson
VI. Timely Matters: Temporality and Trans-historicity
  • 26. Towards A Transgender Archaeology: A Queer Rampage Through Prehistory by Mary Weismantel
  • 27. Selections from “Before the Tribade: Medieval Anatomies of Female Masculinity and Pleasure” by Karma Lochrie
  • 28. Extermination of the Joyas: Gendercide in Spanish California by Deborah A. Miranda
  • 29. Before Transgender: Transvestia’s Gender Spectrum, 1960-1980 by Robert Hill
  • 30. Reading Transsexuality in “Gay” Tehran (Around 1979) by Afsaneh Najmabadi
VII. Being There: The (Im)material Locations of Trans-Phenomena
  • 31. Between Surveillance and Liberation: The Lives of Cross-Dressed Male Sex Workers in Early Postwar Japan by Todd Henry
  • 32. An Ethics of Transsexual Difference: Luce Irigaray and the Place of Sexual Undecideability by Gayle Salamon
  • 33. Touching Gender: Abjection and the Hygienic Imagination by Sheila Cavanaugh
  • 34. Perverse Citizenship: Divas, Marginality, and Participation in “Loca-Lization” by Marcia Ochoa
  • 35. Thinking Figurations Otherwise: Reframing Dominant Knowledges of Sex and Gender Variance in Latin America by Vek Lewis
VIII. Going Somewhere: Transgender Movement(s)
  • 36. Transgender Without Organs? Mobilizing a Geo-affective Theory of Gender Modification by Lucas Crawford
  • 37. Longevity and Limits in Rae Bourbon’s Life in Motion by Don Romesberg
  • 38. The Romance of the Amazing Scalpel: Race, Affect and Labor in Thai Gender Reassignment Clinics by Aren Z. Aizura
  • 39. Trans/scriptions: Homing Desires, (Trans)sexual Citizenship and Racialized Bodies by Nael Bhanji
  • 40. Transportation: Translating Filipino/Filipino-American Tomboy Masculinities Through Seafaring and Migration by Kale Fajardo
IX. Biopolitics and the Administration of Trans-Embodiment(s)
  • 41. Kaming Mga Talyada (We Who Are Sexy): The Transsexual Whiteness of Christine Jorgensen in the (Post)Colonial Philippines by Susan Stryker
  • 42. Electric Brilliancy: Cross-Dressing Law and Freak Show Displays in Nineteenth- Century San Francisco by Clare Sears
  • 43. Shuttling Between Bodies and Borders: Transmigration and the Politics of Rightful Killing by Sima Shakhsari
  • 44. Silhouettes of Defiance: the memorialization of historical sites of queer and transgender resistance in an age of neoliberal inclusivity by Che Gossett
  • 45. Neutering the Transgendered: Human Rights and Japan’s Law No. 111 by Laura Norton
X. Trans-oriented Practices, Policies, and Social Change
  • 46. “We Won't Know Who You Are”: Contesting Sex Designations in New York City Birth Certificates by Paisley Currah and Lisa Jean Moore
  • 47. Reinscribing Normality: The Politics of Transgender Marriage by Ruthann Robson
  • 48. Performance as Intravention: Ballroom Culture and the Politics of HIV/AIDS in Detroit by Marlon Bailey
  • 49. Transgender as Mental Illness: Nosology, Social Justice, and the Tarnished Golden Mean by Nick Gorton
  • 50. Building an Abolitionist Trans & Queer Movement with Everything We’ve Got by Dean Spade, Morgan Bassichis and Alex Lee

Redefining Realness: 
My Path to Womanhood, Identity, Love & So Much More (2014)
by Janet Mock

Normal Life: 
Administrative Violence, Critical Trans Politics, and the Limits of Law (2015)
by Dean Spade

Captive Genders: Trans Embodiment and the Prison Industrial Complex (2015)
by Eric A. Stanley and Nat Smith 



Tranny: Confessions of Punk Rock's Most Infamous Anarchist Sellout (2016)
by Laura Jane Grace

Trans Studies: The Challenge to Hetero/Homo Normativities (2016)
by Yolanda Martínez-San Miguel and Sarah Tobias

Children and Young Adult Literature

I Am Jazz (2014)
by Jessica Herthel and Jazz Jennings

Jacob's New Dress (2014)
by Sarah Hoffman and Ian Hoffman

Red: A Crayon's Story (2015)
by Michael Hall

Beyond Magenta: Transgender Teens Speak Out (2015)
by Susan Kuklin

Being Jazz: My Life as a (Transgender) Teen (2016)
by Jazz Jennings

Grcaefully Grayson (2016)
by Ami Polonski

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